Actually, I was planning to use that headline to wrap up my broadcast week… but I guess it also applies to the latest dictator to die. I’m not sure at whose hands he died, but Gadaffy (or however it is spelled) is dead.
It’s quite interesting that there’s video of the fallen madman after he was captured, bloodied but still obviously very much alive. Will we ever know exactly what happened? Probably not. Should we care? Not really.
After all… we’ve got troubles right here in River City my friend. … with a capital T that rhymes with P that stands for POVERTY. And that’s what Occupy Wall Street is about… well, and its polar opposite, aka the 1%.
Speaking of Harold Hill (and sorry if you didn’t get those Music Man references… just click here) … it’s World Series time.
Aside from the fact that my significant other is an agent for pro baseball players, I care because I just found out that Major League Baseball is in bed with Glenn Beck. Well, in business, but in Beck’s case it’s the same thing.
You can find that video and the petition to sign to tell the people behind “America’s pastime” to stop working with one of the most hateful men in the country at Seriously.
My friend Asher Huey is one of the people who helped launch that program, and he joined me on the show today to talk about it.
I was also joined by another friend, comedian John Fugelsang, to shoot the shit about George Harrison, the GOP debacle debate on Tuesday night, the death of Muhammar Khaddaffi (or however you spell it), and the Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour which hits Los Angeles this weekend.
And one last thing… ustream truly sucked today. While it was fucking with me, I was playing the video from Allen West’s recent ridiculous interview for NewsMax TV… the questioner sounded like he was auditioning for the announcer role on the Geico commercials, and West sounded like he was trying to show how truly insane he really is… If you absolutely have to hear it, and don’t just want to take my word for it… click here.
The last sentence “Whatever works for the conservative, Republican, controversy-starters to support the corporatist, Republican political agenda of absolute power in both private and public sectors” was intended to be read as sarcasm.
In the particular example of a controversy-startup the controversy wasn’t about reporting by Lisa Simeone. Instead the controversy was about where the boundary line lies between personal and professional activity and speech by people working in the corporate owned and funded, in NPR’s case, mainstream (biggest audience) media. Whatever works for the conservative, Republican, controversy-starters to support the corporatist, Republican political agenda of absolute power in both private and public sectors.
Lisa Simeone was the victim of another controversy startup about ‘media bias’ that is actually about suppressing influence of the reporting on subsequent events. Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller first complained in an article linked to in the Baltimore Sun column below. The Daily Caller published private email list posts that led to Dave Weigel losing his job with a Washington Post blog about righty, Rpb-party activities. Weigel was rehired by the Post Company-owned but probably for less money and benefits. NPR is so scared of controversy about their work hurting their federal support and member station private fundraising that they overreacted.,0,1689547.story