With gratitude to the inspirational Gliberal Goddesses and chorale of awesome members of The Thundering Herd in Nicole’s rocking Live Chat Room this week, we happily present the first of a weekly-ish post and thread dedicated to Vermont’s Progressive pride and joy … Mssr. Bernie Sanders.
Or as we local yokels fondly think of him, our Rumpled Savior — in the Clueless, Useless, God-Damned United States Senate, in the eye of the Great Swamp — and, depending on how the Santa-Hillary Winds blow, taking his spot upon the 2016 primary bench on our side of the aisle and right alongside progressive peer Elizabeth Warren.
It was grandè progressive news this week when word that Sanders’ Serious Quest for the right Sweet ’16 campaign leadership had netted a lovely, large catch in the person of veteran Dem salesman Tad Devine.
“In terms of fundraising, there would be real interest in him at the grassroots level,” Devine said. “He knows how to do the organizing that’s required. As a mass media person, I also think he would be a great television candidate. He can connect on that level.”
This week we were privy to some fine Bernie querying and connecting by messnbc’s Chris Hayes, Nicole spoke of the interview on Wednesday’s show and it was footage worth expanding our view of.
If the All In video does not magically appear above, my apologies and a link to the original footage here. He brought the Sanders candor.
Well, that’s a question I’m just getting … First of all, I have to decide if I will run, and the answer to that has a lot to do with the kind of grassroots support that may or may not be there. Are people prepared to get engaged in a grassroots unprecedented type campaign in which we are taking on the incredibly powerful billionaire class? That’s the Koch brothers. That’s Wall Street. That’s the private insurance companies. That’s the drug companies. That’s the people who own America.
Is there the energy for people to being to be engaged in that type of campaign, or are people sufficiently demoralized? How do you raise the hundreds of millions of dollars that you need? I don’t get campaign contributions from the billionaire class. Can you do that? So I’ve gotta answer those questions, Chris before I make the decision.
Also worth the listen, Hayes and Sanders had actually, factually gone over the Regressive Right’s Dark Money influence just prior to the midterms. Stings a bit more now.
I’ve had a wondering for a while now, perhaps some of you have as well … why is it that Bernie isn’t given the same degree of torturous degregation and defacement from Fvx Nation as say, the First Lady? He self-id’s as a socialist!!
His appearance on Bill Maher was not to be missed. (Also a tremendously Good Hair Night for Sanders.)
Now here is one for those of you with a bit of time and a hankering to know what a local town hall with Bernie Sanders is like — and in California, no less, thanks to a YouTuber who shared the recent event.
From Democracy Now, on November 5th of this year, catch up on Sander’s fabulous “The United States is on the Verge of Becoming an Oligarchy”:
Was hoping if any of the gang here has Bernie buzz or sponge-worthy quotes they will chime in, purtey please with a socialist on top. ; ) Grazie. Grassroots is what we DO!!
Not GOP scum-funded asstroturfage. Hades to the nay.
So glad you decided to post these, Bear! Good stuff!
Thanks Laffy, will be hunting for more local info too – you were the encouragement!
Bernie is a National Treasure. You’d think he’d be a role model for most Senators. Instead we have National Trash like Ted Cruz.
RS!!!! So happy to see your schnoz.
Hah! National Trash is the perfect moniker — Cruz doesn’t even seem to believe his own lines sometimes, and you just know Harvard and Princeton would refund his tuition if he never spoke of them agin’. Ever.
Happy too see you too Bear…. 🙂
Always on the hunt for yummy Truffles. Found some good ones here ..Great post.
I’m sure the Ivy League bemoans the day Cruz darkened their hallways. What a grifter he is. What’s worse .. he doesn’t care.
So spot on, RS – Cruz is the true definition of a grifter –only cares about his backers and his titles. GOPower slut of the worst kind.
Oily asshat probably studies Putin when he ain’t bent on absorbing Dr. Seuss.
I be fond of Truffles too, lol – wish there was a smidge of one in the pantry for omelette purposes. ; ) I’ve always felt Piglet might have grown into a splendid hunter if his palate wasn’t skewed by all the ubiquitous honey.
Hey, do you ever take a comfy chair in Nicole’s Radio or Not splendid live chat room on the home page, RS? I’m sure you do, so consider this a “Nicole Chat newbie’s” enthusiastic nudge – Laffers and Amy Simon bring their wisdom and hilarity to the mix as well. Really great Progressive energy and driven by Nicole’s unique on air mastery and the quality/integrity of her guests. Truly gudd peeps all around. (Can’t believe I didn’t find it sooner, silly Bear, but the Grand Gliberal Goddesses steered me in.) Can’t remember if I bragged on meeting Ladies Amy and Laffy in Cali last week to you yet, made my year.
Yes .. I’ve always liked the show .. and the chat room etc .. different time zones makes it a little difficult to do regularly.