4-15-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Taxes, Religion & the TPP

On Tax Day, Nicole Sandler speaks with Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church & State about RFRA laws and religious tax evasion. Dave Johnson joins in from OurFuture.org with the latest on the TPP and Fast Track Authority.

Gone Insane!

The world has indeed gone mad. We have religious zealots going all the way to the Supreme Court, claiming their religious freedom is being violated because they're not allowed to impose their religious beliefs on their employees. We have political opponents of the president claiming he's both a wimp/pussy/weak/feckless leader and a dictator at the same time. We have a country on the verge of descending into pure fascism, and people are either too busy, too broke or too uninformed to take the action necessary to turn things around. Please vote in November. Please support progressive candidates, as they're the [...]

Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

If you're wondering what's going on in NYC near Wall Street and in other cities around the world in the "global revolution", you're probably looking in the wrong places.  To see what's happening in New York City, you'll have to go to Al Jazeera or find the live feed online.  (I'm happy to assist you with that live feed here): globalrevolution on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free Unfortunately,the stream is not very reliable, but it's better than the coverage you'll get watching any of the major networks or even the cable news channels. If you're wondering why there seems to be [...]

By |September 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Why There’s No Coverage of #OccupyWallStreet on Your TV: Corporate Media Sucks

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