The 3000 Pound Elephant in the Room

Amid the calls for civility in discourse, the right continues to defend their use of violent rhetoric, claiming it was not the cause of Jared Loughners murderous rampage in Tucson. The question that needs to be asked, over and over again, is "When is enough enough?"  Is it when the next crazed gunman does site Glenn Beck's classroom teaching or Sarah Palin's instructions to "Don't Retreat - Reload!" as their prime motivation?  After more have been gunned down and innocent children are lying bloody in the street? The right got so defensive in the wake of the AZ shootings because [...]

By |January 17th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The 3000 Pound Elephant in the Room

On Civility

Last night in Tucson, President Obama reminded us why we voted for him. He struck the right chords in a brilliant speech that made us truly feel like an American family 300 million strong. He called for civility, because only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation. I agree, wholeheartedly. However, calls for civility should not be confused with silence on the lack of civility. This morning, I tweeted the question "Does POTUS' call for civility mean we shouldn't criticize Speaker Boehner for attending a RNC fundraiser instead of [...]

By |January 13th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on On Civility

The Role of Hate Speak

Those of us on the left aren't the only ones who immediately thought of Sarah Palin's crosshairs map and Sharron Angles' "Second Amendment remedies" when we heard that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot. The right wing immediately went into defensive mode. Did you notice that the first time we heard Sheriff Dupnik speak on Saturday, he called out professional incendiary talkers: "People tend to poo-poo this business about all the vitriol that we hear inflaming the American public by people who make a living off of doing that. That may be free speech, but it's not without consequences." You'll notice [...]

By |January 11th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Role of Hate Speak

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