7-6-17 Nicole Sandler Show – If It’s Thursday, It Must Be Poland, and Howie Klein Too

Donald Trump spent the morning dissing the former president, the media and the intelligence community in Poland before heading to Germany for the G20 and his first meeting with Putin, slated for tomorrow. Howie Klein is back  from vacation to talk politics and candidates. His most recent post, "The Democratic Party Brand-- Anyone Know What It Is?" delves into the idea of Bernie Sanders running for president again in 2020. We also spoke about Randy Bryce, the great candidate who's already giving Paul Ryan a run for his money and more.  Visit the Blue America 2018 page here. And join Howie [...]

No “news” media, Jeb Bush did not have a “gaffe-free” European tour

Here is how the Los Angeles Times framed Jebya Bush's effort to look presidential by taking a Very Important trip overseas to prove his global cred: Jeb Bush makes it through Europe unscathed, if not more popular at home Here is the first paragraph of that "news" report: When he flies home from here Saturday, Jeb Bush can boast that his ripple-free trip to three European nations this week proved he is capable of striding without stumbling on a global stage. Here is how the L.A. Times ended their story: To the extent Bush needed a whiff of fresh air and [...]

Kiss My Ass

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120731_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Kiss_My_Ass.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   Putting the cherry on top of his truly horrible European trip - ostensibly embarked up to shore up his foreign affairs bona fides - Mitt Romney's traveling press secretary Rick Gorka told the traveling press corps to "Kiss my ass" in the breath before he berated them for uncouth behavior at a "Holy site for Polish people."  Seriously, even I couldn't make up shit this good... er bad...     That came less than 24 hours after Romney, somehow managed to offend both the Israelis and the Palestinians [...]

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