3-15-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Emptywheel Wednesday!

https://redirect.zencastr.com/r/episode/6412580003c33b58d739cecf/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/069638a7-c50b-45ec-bf40-1ed8f66e665d.mp3 Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version I'm off next week, having eye surgery again on Monday and then resting. So I figured we needed a Marcy Wheeler fix before then, as so much has happened since we last spoke! So, get ready for another big information download, as we'll talk the Matty Dick Pics hearings, the Tucker Carlson 1-6 videos and gaslighting, his Russian back channel and how he regards his viewers. Plus the Silicone Valley Bank failure, the Saudi Arabia- Iran [...]

By |March 15th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-15-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Emptywheel Wednesday!

8-23-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday’s Fourth Estate Fun & Facts with Matt Taibbi & Brian Karem

   The existence of a free press is so important to any functioning democracy that the founders enshrined it in the first amendment to the constitution, declaring that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. Sadly, the current administration doesn't seem to understand the directive. Today, Nicole Sandler welcomes two of her favorite journalists back to the show. First up, the senior WH correspondent for Playboy, CNN political analyst, author and podcaster Brian Karem, who is currently barred from the WH as his hard pass has been suspended, under questionable circumstances. Then, we'll [...]

By |August 23rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 8-23-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Friday’s Fourth Estate Fun & Facts with Matt Taibbi & Brian Karem

2-1-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Insane Clown President with Matt Taibbi

I just started reading Matt Taibbi's new book, Insane Clown President, and now I'm even more excited about my vacation as I'll have time to read the rest of it uninterrupted. He was my special guest on the show today, and our time together flew by. But he did promise to come back after I've read the whole thing... so we have that to look forward to! Taibbi is one of my favorite journalists. He's the reason I still read Rolling Stone -- and during today's interview, I realized just how important his job is. He mentioned that this election was [...]

By |February 1st, 2017|Tags: , |Comments Off on 2-1-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Insane Clown President with Matt Taibbi

Bye Bye Breitbart

Andrew's yesterday's news.  Now, it's all about Rush Limbaugh's asinine bombastic spewing from the mouth.  But I wanted to give Breitbart a proper send-off.  After today, I'll not speak of him (until the coroner's report comes out and my thoughts are confirmed, or not). Anyway, after confirming the details of his death shortly before showtime yesterday, I played a few short portions of my appearance with him on the Marc Germain Show on Talk Radio One on October 8, 2008.  Although we had never spoken before, the two of us were invited on to debate the presidential debate between Barack [...]

By |March 2nd, 2012|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Bye Bye Breitbart

Today’s Show – Matt Taibbi on #OWS

Tomorrow marks two months since the Occupy movement officially began in Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.  Since then, the occupations have spread to all 50 states and upwards of 80 counties around the globe.   Although some tactics may have to change in the wake of the NYPD's brutal eviction and demolition of the original occupation, the toothpaste can't be put back into the tube! I've been a fan of Matt Taibbi's since I began paying attention to serious reporting.  I first interviewed him back on Air America in March of 2009, when he was putting the truly [...]

By |November 16th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Today’s Show – Matt Taibbi on #OWS

Taibbi Does It Again!

That's the cover of the April 15 edition of Rolling Stone magazine, one of the few magazines we still subscribe to here in this house.  Yes, I like the music, but it's the journalistic gems - most importantly from Matt Taibbi - that keep me coming back for more. Taibbi's latest, "The Real Housewives of Wall Street", gets behind the top-secret walls of the Fed and exposes massive, sickening giveaways of our tax dollars.  I won't paraphrase Taibbi, but instead tell you to click the link, read the story, and listen to our interview.  Yes, it will make you angry.  [...]

By |April 19th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Taibbi Does It Again!

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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