4-25-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Tucker’s Fired, but Laffy’s Here

  https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/133d0c22-f142-4568-acea-bf13aaf9b676.mp3 Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version   It's that other Thursday, so GottaLaff is here to rejoice in Tucker Carlson's firing. https://www.youtube.com/live/V-EvVb_46Ak?feature=share

By |April 25th, 2023|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4-25-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Tucker’s Fired, but Laffy’s Here

3-15-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Emptywheel Wednesday!

https://redirect.zencastr.com/r/episode/6412580003c33b58d739cecf/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/069638a7-c50b-45ec-bf40-1ed8f66e665d.mp3 Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version I'm off next week, having eye surgery again on Monday and then resting. So I figured we needed a Marcy Wheeler fix before then, as so much has happened since we last spoke! So, get ready for another big information download, as we'll talk the Matty Dick Pics hearings, the Tucker Carlson 1-6 videos and gaslighting, his Russian back channel and how he regards his viewers. Plus the Silicone Valley Bank failure, the Saudi Arabia- Iran [...]

By |March 15th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3-15-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Emptywheel Wednesday!

3-7-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Fox Lies, Religious Hypocrisy & Flori-Duhs

      Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version It was a crazy day today. I found out just seconds before going on the air that my daughter tested positive for Covid. I feel helpless... and a little worried, as she was over here the night before last. Covid test now brewing... (Negative, as was David's... now we just worry about Alison!) We talked about a lot of important things today. From the Fed threatening to raise interest rates again and Elizabeth Warren fighting [...]

By |March 7th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 3-7-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Fox Lies, Religious Hypocrisy & Flori-Duhs

4-22-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

  Download here or click below to play   It's Thursday, so that means that Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny and the Blue America PAC is here. He's bringing some breaking news with him. I'm not sure what it is, but I do know it has to do with Ted Lieu, Tucker Carlson and really foul language. Lots of news to get to today too... It's Thursday, so Howie Klein joins me on today's show. He has some breaking news, and he warns that no small children should be in the room when he tells us what it is. [...]

By |April 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-22-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Thursdays with Howie Klein

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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