10-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Nicole’s Back!

I don't think my back ever looked like that. I had surgery to remove the cancers growing in my left lung seven weeks ago today. Just five weeks ago, it looked like this: That was a couple of weeks after my surgery to remove the lower lobe of my left lung and take a wedge from the upper lobe, where cancerous tumors made their homes. The numbers are the incisions for the Da Vinci Robotic surgery, as opposed to an open thoracotomy which is akin to torture. Aside from the site where the chest tube was (which still hurts like [...]

By |October 18th, 2016|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 10-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Nicole’s Back!

Saying No to Chemo!

It comes from nowhere, like the proverbial thief in the night sneaking up silently behind you to steal your life. Perhaps a better analogy is an earthquake, but only if you were trapped in the rubble, unable to climb out. It hits unexpectedly and leaves you to figure out how to survive. In a split second, everything changes. EVERYTHING changes the moment you’re told you have cancer.Once the shock wears off, if you’re like me, you get to work. In my case, the barrage of tests was supplemented with an avalanche of articles about each new term that was [...]

8-3-16 Time for EBUS

This was as horrible as it sounds. After a horrendous experience with the front desk women at the outpatient services desk at Holy Cross Hospital (detailed in this Yelp review -- the only recourse I had at 6:30 in the morning), I was taken into the prep room. The nurses there were wonderful, and I was soon over the stress of my first encounter of the day. They went over what this test involves, and I knew it wouldn't be pleasant. The first thing they had to do was numb my bronchial tubes. So, a syringe filled with a lidocaine [...]

By |August 5th, 2016|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 8-3-16 Time for EBUS

7-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Circus Maximus

  As the GOP circus gets underway in Cleveland and the world at large continues its descent into insanity, I've been dealing with my own personal hell. After a heart attack scare last Thursday, I've been on a roller coaster ride - and I HATE roller coasters. The heart scare, which turned out not to be a heart attack at all, was perhaps a blessing in disguise. The x-ray that was to see if my heart was swollen or enlarged instead showed a mass on my left lung. The pulmonologist wanted a PET-CT scan done, but United Healthcare had other ideas. [...]

By |July 18th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 7-18-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Circus Maximus

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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