Lisa Graves on the Law, SCOTUS, nominations and more – Nicole Sandler Show 12-4-24

    If you're a regular listener of the show then you're familiar with today's guest, Lisa Graves. In addition to being one of my favorite people, she's also one of the most brilliant. She's currently Director of but appears on this show in her personal capacity offering facts and opinions based on her unimpeachable experience working in the DoJ under AGs Janet Reno and John Ashcroft, in the Senate Judiciary Committee as lead counsel for nominations and so much more. True North Research published a primer on what is now likely the playbook for the D'ump 2.0 [...]

Lisa Graves on Justice or Not on the Nicole Sandler Show 11-21-24

  One of our favorite guests here on the Nicole Sandler Show is Lisa Graves. Not just because she's one of the better angels among us, but she's also wicked smart and has the CV to back up her beliefs. These days Lisa Graves works as a governmental watchdog of sorts in her role as Director of True North Research. But she usually appears on my show in her personal capacity as a private citizen with great expertise on all matters pertaining to our Justice system and Dept of Justice, the Senate nominations and confirmation proceedings, and how things [...]

By |November 21st, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Lisa Graves on Justice or Not on the Nicole Sandler Show 11-21-24

Healthcare on the Bus & SCOTUS in Session w Lisa Graves on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-16-24

         It's a busy show today. While I was out in moving hell, the new term of the Supreme Extreme Court got underway. Today, our favorite legal expert Lisa Graves (DoJ & Senate veteran) joins in to let us know what's at stake at the court. We'll also check in with Heathcare advocate Laura Packard who's currently on a Protect Our Care national bus tour which hits Tempe, AZ today and Phoenix tomorrow before moving on to CA, NV, CO, MI, WI, OH and PA....

By |October 16th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Healthcare on the Bus & SCOTUS in Session w Lisa Graves on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-16-24

Project 2025 LOOK IT UP with Lisa Graves – Nicole Sandler Show – 7-18-24

   Trying to remember despair is not an option. It seems that sanity is failing all around us, but I'm trying to stay positive and believe that good will win out over evil. Evil has been on display all week, from a rally in PA to a convention hall in Milwaukee. The Democratic circular firing squad is doing what they know how to do best, though I refuse to give in to the defeatist self-fulfilling prophesy they're pushing. The Nicole Sandler Show's unofficial legal expert Lisa Graves returns, this time as the head of the watchdog organization who's informed [...]

By |July 18th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Project 2025 LOOK IT UP with Lisa Graves – Nicole Sandler Show – 7-18-24

Busy Thursday with Lisa Graves and Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-27-24

     What a day! The Extreme Supremes this morning handed down four more decisions out of the dozen or so still tba... and then signaled that they will not get it all done by the official end of the term tomorrow. There will be at least one more decision day in July. We'll know more about that tomorrow. Lisa Graves, the unofficial legal expert of the Nicole Sandler Show, returns for the first half of the show today to talk SCOTUS, which we somehow didn't get to yesterday. We'll discuss both the two and sneak peek at a [...]

By |June 27th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Busy Thursday with Lisa Graves and Howie Klein on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-27-24

Lisa Graves on Grave Injustice on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-26-24

  With the Extreme Court allegedly poised to hand down the final decisions for this term over the next two days, we're joined again by the Nicole Sandler Show's unofficial legal expert Lisa Graves. I had hoped that this morning's announcements would include more than the two they trickled out... and in a sense it did. Apparently accidentally, someone posted a draft of one of the still outstanding decisions-- this one in Idaho vs US. They quickly took it down, but not before Bloomberg News got it, converted it to pdf form and posted it online... Julian Assange is a [...]

By |June 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Lisa Graves on Grave Injustice on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-26-24

Lisa Graves on the Surreal Law on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-29-24

    Our favorite legal expert Lisa Graves returns to the show to bring some clarity to the surreal legal news we've been dealing with the the past few weeks. First, there's the Trump trial - the one of four criminal cases that he should be standing trial for. Closing arguments were delivered yesterday; the judge gave the jury instructions this morning and the first day of deliberations are done. Of course TFG went out to the microphones and continued his normal practice of lying about everything. The second big story that's broken over the past few weeks involved [...]

By |May 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Lisa Graves on the Surreal Law on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-29-24

SCOTUS, Former POTUS & Lisa Graves on the Law on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-24-24

     I'm always honored when Lisa Graves joins me to lend her legal expertise to the discussion about the trials and tribulations of TFG and, of course, the machinations of the once Supreme, now Extreme, Court. Lisa has the bona fides... she served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Policy Development/Legal Policy at the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorneys General Janet Reno and John Ashcroft, Chief Counsel for Nominations for Senator Patrick Leahy on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Deputy Chief of the Article III Judges Division of the Administrative Office of the U.S. [...]

By |April 24th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on SCOTUS, Former POTUS & Lisa Graves on the Law on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-24-24

Justice or Injustice with Lisa Graves on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-3-24

       If you're thinking that in the US, all may theoretically be created equal, but we're sure not treated equally under the law. It's a fact that those with money, fame and power get away with (almost) murder. And if Donald Trump did, indeed, shoot someone on Fifth Avenue? Well, let's just say the jury's still out on that one. And if TFG has any say, the trial would be perpetually delayed. Of course I have a million questions for Lisa Graves, the unofficial legal expert of the Nicole Sandler Show, having to do with Teflon Don. But [...]

By |April 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Justice or Injustice with Lisa Graves on the Nicole Sandler Show 4-3-24

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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