Lisa Graves on the Surreal Law on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-29-24

    Our favorite legal expert Lisa Graves returns to the show to bring some clarity to the surreal legal news we've been dealing with the the past few weeks. First, there's the Trump trial - the one of four criminal cases that he should be standing trial for. Closing arguments were delivered yesterday; the judge gave the jury instructions this morning and the first day of deliberations are done. Of course TFG went out to the microphones and continued his normal practice of lying about everything. The second big story that's broken over the past few weeks involved [...]

By |May 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Lisa Graves on the Surreal Law on the Nicole Sandler Show – 5-29-24

Strange Days

As Jon Stewart said last night, "This is the weirdest fucking story I've ever seen in my life." But it gets even weirder.  Apparently, the photo that Andrew Breitbart released and has been making the rounds was turned upside down and cropped. Here's the version we've all seen:   And here's the alleged original picture, before it was cropped and turned upside down Now I get why Weiner said it was intended to be a joke that he would DM to a friend.  It certainly looks like an arm and balled-up fist stuck down the shorts.  Yes, funny, in a [...]

By |June 7th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Strange Days

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