6-16-23 Nicole Sandler Show – How To Survive History…and Life in General

   https://media.zencastr.com/audio-files/5e0cc41aa9798f001400ff98/abfb1bd4-2b40-453c-a4a5-de3905f0816d.mp3 It is finally Friday. There's a slew o' news, as usual, and I'll run down a bunch of it.We'll also visit with Cody Cassidy, author of the new book, HOW TO SURVIVE HISTORY: HOW TO OUTRUN A TYRANNOSAURUS, ESCAPE POMPEII, GET OFF THE TITANIC, AND SURVIVE THE REST OF HISTORY'S DEADLIEST CATASTROPHES.We'll find out if he has the answer to the 64 million dollar question: How to survive the Trump years?Daniel Ellsberg died today. I promised I'd share his last appearance on Democracy Now from May 1, below. And an interview with his son Robert Ellsberg that was just published [...]