Out Sick

  If you've listened to the show regularly, you know that I rarely take a morning off. But I must do that today. I'm still sidelined by whatever it is that has been trying to keep me down for a couple of weeks already... So, I'll be resting, as per the doctor's orders. Today, during our regular time together, I invite you to listen to any of my past shows,  all available for your listening or viewing pleasure at those links. On our 24/7 stream, I'll be playing back the August 15 show, which featured a must-hear conversation with Greg [...]

Peace & Palast

What a difference a day makes! The protests last night in Ferguson, MO were of a much different tone - because the police that were present actually joined with the people of the community, marching with them, listening to them. In the photo above, the uniformed man marching next to a woman carrying a sign is Captain Ron Johnson, the head of the Missouri State Troopers, now charged with heading up the law enforcement effort in Ferguson. The day began with more of what the people were asking for: the name of the officer who shot Michael Brown: Darren Wilson. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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