Christie Is Getting Moon-walked Back to Genuine Jersey Scandal

    He knew! So the rats are squealing under oath as they jump ship for greener grass than Trump World. [Rumor has it Pizza Rat led the charge.] Aaaw … a new Bridget Kelly update re the gubernatorial hi-jinks of Krispier and Krispier Chris Christie. A refreshing change from T'Rump's latest loafer-in-mouth moment. For sassy prior updates at Laffys Place transfer here.  From the dedicated Bergen Record: Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff for Governor Christie, spent the past two days on the witness stand, casting herself as a bit player in the administration — who made $140,000 a [...]

10-21-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Jason Leopold & Bartiromo’s Boobs

Apologies for the titillating title, so to speak, but if you watched the Al Smith Dinner last night, you couldn't miss them. Now that that's out of the way... Jason Leopold was my guest today on the show. He's been making me as proud as ever to be his friend as I read and watch his work as an investigative correspondent for Vice News and the new nightly HBO show Vice News Tonight. Today, we discussed his being labeled a "FOIA Terrorist" by the government because of his expert use of the Freedom of Information Act to access information otherwise [...]

The 2016 Cirque de Shite Pauses For the Finishing Off of One Krispy Christie

  Let us offer up hope that a grinning Loretta Lynch knows the digits of a satirical florist in Fort Lee … the ultimate Big Man Jig appears to finally be up. Quick vote:  So, how many progressives beside moi and Laffy are jumping up and down inside about the epic Bridgegate news?!? Smug has a whole new meaning when a rat-trap like the FBI nets a biggie,  New Jersey gubernatorial body Christopher Christie. […]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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