Trump’s dangerous appeal: He’ll take care of us

Photo via Slate This post is not as thorough as I'd like, because my attention is divided today, but jotting down a few thoughts will help get these feelings out of my system. Please bear with me. Trump's done it. He's compelled me to write about him in a way I've resisted for a very long time: Comparing him to Hitler. I consciously resist references to Hitler in general because so many people throw those around way too often, way too casually, and way too inappropriately. But after watching Trump's speech on the final night of the fiasco that passed [...]

By |July 22nd, 2016|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Trump’s dangerous appeal: He’ll take care of us

All Hill breaks loose #StillSanders

I'm a lifelong Democrat (sadly, that may change, we'll see) and an enthusiastic Bernie Sanders supporter. For the past year I've been asked repeatedly, "Will you vote for Hillary Clinton if she's the Democratic nominee?" And for the past year I've answered yes. Over and over and over again. Yes, yes yes. However...A year ago, I hadn't yet encountered the continual onslaught of abuse, baiting, smears, and harassment on social media by Hillary supporters. I hadn't yet observed the former Secretary of State's campaign tactics, positions (many have been contradictory, misleading, or obfuscatory). I hadn't yet watched her debates with Senator Sanders. [...]

TRUMP Finally Acts a Politician Over Univision Anchor’s #ObjectionableEjection

Sack. Star Tribune   Trump used Political Reverse gear. Right near the close of The Summer of TRUMP. For once, I saw me something Live from The Donald that has to have been the exposure of his hate-camouflage's major death knell: he kicked out an also heavily-accented -- if soft-spoken in relation to TRUMP -- and beloved but relatively unassuming main news anchor Jorge Amos,  sputtering acidly "Go back to Univision [or wherever ]" … … and the reporter WAS from Univision.  Although Jorge Amos is technically Mexican-American and we don't know yet how TRUMP falls on 'those'. [...]

By |August 26th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on TRUMP Finally Acts a Politician Over Univision Anchor’s #ObjectionableEjection

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