How appropriate is it that Larry Summers’ departure is announced on the first day of fall? What other beautiful changes can we hope for as the Obama administration attempts to get voters excited before November 2? How about making a list?
- Get Rahm the hell out of there too! The PCCC started a campaign to get Chicago voters to pledge never to vote for him… but I say “shhh.” Let him think they’ll vote for him, and then don’t!
- In the wake of yesterday’s blockade in the Senate of opening debate on DADT (by way of the Defense Appropriations bill), President Spineless Obama should grow a pair and issue an executive order saying that the rules will no longer be enforced, pending the repeal of the discriminatory, shamefully law.
- Get us out of Afghanistan already. If the stories in Bob Woodward’s new book are true, President Obama wants to get us out of there. Just do it.
- Get America back to work already.
- Make Congress vote on permanent middle and lower income tax cuts and, separately, more cuts for the wealthy. Then state, unequivocally, that you’ll veto the cuts for the rich if it reaches your desk!
- Appoint Elizabeth Warren to actually head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
- Go back to the table on health care reform and actually reform it this time with Medicare for All
- Be the change you promised us!
Please feel free to add to this list. Just comment on the post and let’s get our list of demands going!
On today’s show, I’ll be joined by Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim for a recap of what happened during yesterday’s sad spectacle in the Senate.
Michael Hirsh of Newsweek (and soon to be of the National Journal), and author of the new book Capital Offense: How Washington’s Wise Men Turned America’s Future Over To Wall Street will be with us. I’ll get his thoughts on the end of Larry Summers tenure, the future of Elizabeth Warren, and what it’ll take to turn our economy around.
And GottaLaff of The Political Carnival returns for our weekly get together to dish on the news. Among the stories you definitely need to hear about is her latest BP Whistleblower report.
Great suggestion 4earth. The Senate can do that in January… they can change the rules with just 50 votes (and Joe Biden to break the tie). Something tells me they won’t though… When will they ever learn?
9. Use your office to pressure and encourage the Senate to do away with their weird rules next session. No 60 votes, no filibuster, and no secret holds! It was never meant to be that way. It was never set up that way in the constitution and it is dysfunctional as it is.