We’re waging war in Afghanistan and Iraq (yes, we’re still fighting there). The GOP is waging war on women. We have a so-called war on drugs and terrorism. I just saw a news article that says Israel is waging war on solar power (to keep the Palestinians from having electricity. And on and on goes the list.
War sucks. Of any kind. It’s time for them all to end and focus on making peace. What a concept!
This morning on the show, I spoke with Yochi Dreazen, Senior National Security Correspondent for National Journal. He’s been writing aboutthe shootings in Afghanistan and the aftermath. Check out “Afghan Massacre Raises Doubts About Overall War Strategy,” and “Afghan Shootings Put Little-Known Commander into the Spotlight.”
I spent most of the second hour shooting the shit with Digby – best known for her awesome blog, but also part of the Blue America PAC.
And because it was so brillant… here’s Jon Stewart ripping the right’s hypocrisy:
Click here to watch, as wordpress won’t let me embed using the new code….
Hey Jerry,
Thanks so much for the wonderful compliments! I wouldn’t change the name Radio or Not, just the logo – which doesn’t show what it is!
This site isn’t going away – perhaps a redesign, but we’re not going anywhere!
Yes. Spot on, Nicole — Stop all wars.
I just finished listening to your interview with Yochi Dreazen and had to write real quick-like to thank you for, you know, getting such insightful & knowledgeable people to talk to on your show .. consistently.
And: thank you for asking the questions that need asking (+ answering), those that go right to the heart of the matter (e.g. “What is ‘winning’ this war?” … what does “win” in Afghanistan even mean?!?).
Digby’s great. So is H Klein, N Belle, Laffy, J Fugelsang … love what you do, Nicole. Thanks again for turning us on to, hell not only your unique & inspired perspective and activism, but also to all those you speak with on your show.
(btw, I think radioornot does say something … anyway, I hope that, if you do change the name of your site & show that it can live on in another way (such a cool logo; where would it go?).