I hope you heard our live broadcasts from Netroots Nation in Providence, RI last week.  If not, better late than never, huh?

I arrived in Providence on Wednesday night, and was up bright and early Thursday morning for our first broadcast.  My guests Thursday morning included Sam Seder (Majority Report, Ring of Fire Radio), Absurdity Today‘s Juliana Forlano, Progressive Voices’ Jon Sinton, pundit/author Cliff Schecter, Joanne Bamburger (Pundit Mom), Eric Hensel, who ran for Congress as his corporation – Murray Hill Inc., and now is really running for local office as himself, and lots more! 

Listen to the broadcast from Netroots Nation, Thursday June 7: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120607_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Netroots_Nation-_Day_1.mp3 {/play}

Podcast: Play in new window

On Friday, we did it again. Guests on Friday included Greg Basta of Home Defenders League, Netroots Nation Executive Director Raven Brooks, Tim Karr of FreePress.net,  Charles Chamberlain of ProgressiveCongress.org, Wisconsin activist Jeremy Ryan, TalkingLeft’s Shane-O, David Packman, Jeff Santos, and others…

Listen to the broadcast from Netroots Nation, Friday June 8: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120608_Nicole_Sandler_Show_-_Netroots_Nation-_day_2.mp3 {/play}

Podcast: Play in new window