Please welcome back regular guest contributor, author of Being Christian – a racy novel that explores the dark underbelly of the right-wing Christian world – and the go-to blogger on shocking religion news, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state (weekly upchucks), KC Boyd.
You can link over to the official KC Boyd site here for the rest of this post. It’s well worth a look, because I left out a ton of great upchuckable stuff, including antidotes! These are but a few of her weekly “where religion meets your rights” collection:
Your Weekly Upchucks: The place where religion meets your rights
– by KC Boyd
Abortion, Contraception And Other Women’s Issues
- #AbortionJihad “We need to talk about this as terrorism”: The war against abortion providers
- #TexasSux Texas Senate passes measure to cut insurance payments for abortions
- #ComingForYourUterus Scary time to get pregnant in Ohio
- #EndGoalRevealed Antiabortion groups vow to keep firing women for using birth control, even though it’s illegal
- #NotWithMyMoney “In their complaint against the state of Kentucky, Ark Encounter has made it clear that a key purpose of the park is to try to convert people to their narrow brand of Christianity,” Caldwell, who is among four plaintiffs, told Baptist News Global. “They are free to do so, but I strongly believe they have no right to force me to help pay for it with my taxes.”
- Devolution Pew finds that only about 43% of Republicans believe in evolution
- #WhippyFroth Santorum Calls For More Bible Reading To Cure Public School Ills
- #BackToTheUSSR Parents want ‘Of Mice and Men,’ ‘Kite Runner’ removed from high schools
Fifty Shades Of Cray-Cray
- #WhippedOut Sarah Palin Says President Obama is Flirting With the Devil
Fifty Shades Of Hate
- #WithDignity Muslims Defend Pam Geller’s Right to Hate
- #Carefully Selected Garland, Texas—Scene of Pamela Geller’s ‘Event’ & Last Night’s Shootings—Is a Hotbed for Anti-Muslim Bigotry
- #NousNeSommesPasPamelaGeller Texas shooting offers timely reminder of the difference between Charlie Hebdo & Pamela Geller.
- #PlayingToKill Christian developer behind ‘Kill the F*ggot’ game promises next release will be even more offensive
Fifty Shades Of Lying Propaganda
- #DobbyDooDoo James Dobson: Gay Marriage Signals ‘The Fall Of Western Civilization’
- #NailedToTheCross What a horrible a life American Christians must be forced to live.
If Media’s The Message
- #SavagePuke Michael Savage: Terrorists have infiltrated the Obama administration, “playing for the other side”
Israel, End Times And John Hagee
- #Hagee’sLostHisVoice? Ethiopian-Israelis (The same people John Hagee financed & brought over to people the settlements) Protest in Tel Aviv Over Police Treatment
- #MessianicFervor Israeli defense minister promises to kill more civilians and threatens to nuke Iran
- #JebyaRising One of Jeb Bush’s top advisers on Israel: George W. Bush
- #SheldonAdelsonPlusHobbyLobbyMakeRapture Birthright for evangelicals? Hobby Lobby family funds new Israel trips.
Politics Nation
- #Hucka-rapey Meet Mike Huckabee’s rapey 2016 running mate who will keep him from being president forever
- #HuckaRules Huckabee Kicks Off 2016 Announcement By Ignoring Campaign Finance Laws
- #DugInForHuckajesus Mike Huckabee has already secured the coveted endorsement of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
- #CallingJordanSekulow Jeb Bush is getting torched in Iowa
- #DefNotKosher Jeb Bush Supported Evangelical Anti-Gay Group With Taxpayer Money
Religion Gone Bad
- #Creflo’sDollar Creflo Dollar Now Asking $114MM For Luxury Yacht
- #JesusWails How the Religious Right Corrupts Christianity
- #GiveHimTheWhip Black Megapastor Says Families Were ‘a Lot Stronger, a Lot More Unified and Made a Lot More Progress’ During Slavery
Same Sex Issues
- #AllAboutTheGays Tony Perkins: Baltimore unrest might be godly punishment for declaring ‘moral rights to that which is morally wrong’
Sausage Makers And Their Sausage
- #ThinkCrusades Congressman Would Mandate Religious Oath In The Armed Services
- #TexasTools Texas Legislators Propose To Ban ‘Foreign (Shariah) Law’
- #GohmertsPile Once the US is at war we will all realize Louie Gohmert was right and elect him Speaker, says Louie Gohmert
- #GreatestConOnEarth Get rich quick! How to crowdfund your intolerance in 3 easy steps
- #ThouShaltNotPorn Arkansas pastor’s wife turns him in after finding ‘tens of thousands’ of child porn files
Supremes And Lower Courts
- #TruthBomb Justice Ginsburg Eviscerates The Case Against Marriage Equality In Just Five Sentences
Theocracy Rising
- #ConstitutionalBreech The National Day Of Prayer, which is May 7 this year, is a sectarian event with roots in fundamentalist Christianity