As he does almost every Monday morning, media trainer and strategist Joel Silberman joins me to help cut through the media bullshit that we’re subjected to on a continuing basis. Today, we spoke a bit about Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation, Larry Lessig’s WaPo op-ed on the Clintons and Citizens United, and the GOP clown car, including Carly Fiorina’s defense of firing 30,000 people and more.
Most importantly, Joel reiterated the need to always follow the money when it comes to any idea – and to always consider the source!
Tomorrow looks to be the day that the Senate will vote on granting the president Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) also known as “Fast Track” which would prohibit any amendments and allow only an up or down vote on, in this case, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
President Obama has been out in force pushing the deal and criticizing all who disagree with him on it, saving his loudest criticisms for those in his own party, most notably Elizabeth Warren! He did it in a speech at Nike headquarters and in an interview with Yahoo News this weekend.
Elizabeth Warren defended her position against the president’s attacks in an interview with the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent which you can read here. Note: Greg Sargent was supposed to be on the show this morning, but was called away at the last-minute. He’ll be with us tomorrow morning at 10:30ET instead.
In case you’re wondering where your representative come down in this fight, The Hill has maintained a whip list. See if a call is in order to your senators and congressperson.
Commencement address Graduation season is in full swing, and presidential contenders are jockeying to get in front of all those new college grads. Jeb Bush pandered to Liberty University grads and their families. And Michelle Obama spoke her mind about race at the Tuskeegee University graduation.
And finally, Prince played a “Rally4Peace” concert in Baltimore last night, at which he played his newest song, “Baltimore” – released just the night before. Sing it Prince!
And, finally, I’m truly saddened today upon hearing the news that long-time South Florida news reporter Kelley Mitchell passed away last night. RIP Kelley. I’ll miss you.