Mitt Romney’s strategy in his first presidential debate on the main stage was to bully the moderator and lie to the American people.  He did it with force and determination.  President Obama, on the other hand, was barely there.  He didn’t fight back against the lies and mischaracterizations , but instead seemed to go to great lengths to point out alleged similarities between the two men’s’ positions. It was surreal, at best.

Romney came out of the gate lying – claiming that his plan to cut taxes across the board by 20%, on top of extending the Bush tax cuts for all Americans  was not his plan at all.  Perhaps President Obama was prepared to push back on Romney calling him a liar (a strategy he had telegraphed), but not prepared for Romney to do what he’s been doing throughout his entire campaign, and continue blatantly lying.

But blatantly lie he did. Not only about his tax cutting plans, but his ridiculous claims about 50% of “green energy” businesses going out of business, about his health care plan including coverage for those with pre-existing conditions… and on and on and on.  Think Progress recounted “27 Myths in 38 Minutes” as told by Romney.  But let’s be clear. They weren’t myths, they were out right lies.

Not only was Romney lying, he was a big bully. I almost feel sorry for Jim Lehrer, but his ineptitude as a moderator muted the sympathy I might otherwise have felt.

My hope is that Obama watches a tape of his lackluster performance and brings his game to the next one.

Today on the show, I took some listeners calls and listened to some of the high and lowlights…  and then talked more about it with Maysoon Zayid.  I don’t know about you, but I need a weekend!