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Today kicks off a busy week in the US. Congress is back from its recess and that’s good, as they have a lot of work to do.

First up, Merrick Garland finally gets his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee- but this time it’s his confirmation hearing to be Attorney General under Joe Biden. Others will follow this week, but that one has been a long time coming. And heaven knows we need some equal justice under the law in this country.

Can we achieve that? I’ll ask today’s guest, Jennifer Taub. She’s a legal scholar and advocate, law professor and author. Her new book is Big Dirty Money: The Shocking Injustice and Unseen Cost of White Collar Crime.

Our timing is great, because there’s SCOTUS news today about Trump’s tax returns and other financial records (he must turn them over), and apparently Ghislane Maxwell told a ’60 Minutes’ producer that Epstein had tapes of both Trump and Clinton. We’ll see where the conversation takes us today!

Today’s funny comes from Founders Sing

And here’s today’s show, video style