My day typically consists of old-fashioned web surfing.  Perhaps it’s my ADD, but I click from place to place, looking for interesting show fodder. Much of it never makes it to the show, but some gets posted on facebook or tweeted… but I just realized that I can use my lovely new website to share lots of the gems I come across each day!

So, we’ll start now with today’s Tweets worth reading (and following the links) — I’ll update throughout the day! (By the way, you can follow me on twitter too!)

@joshtpm CBS Unveils New Ad Policy: Whatever Policy is Necessary to ban liberal ads and accept rightwing ads …

@MSNBCWatcher: Shoq Video shows shooting down US missionaries bungled CIA Operation #p2

@senatorsanders Sanders today introduced legislation encourage the installation of 10 million rooftops solar systems.

@alfranken: Sen Franken warns Roe v. Wade may be in danger:

@RawStory Raw Story Daily Show demands ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ for old senators: John McCain said he’d support ending the US…

@dailydish Hathos Alert: Amanda Dobbins: Please enjoy this wool-blend attack ad from Carly Fiorina, candidate for the Rep…

@jeremyscahill this “prayer breakfast” is just plain creepy. Seriously.

@Shoq .@Maddow has been forced to become a full time truth squad, correcting the daily lies and manipulations of Fox News. #p2

@BobFertik fantastic RT @jonathanhsinger: Sean James and Al Joyner respond to the Tebow Super Bowl ad Pretty remarkable retort.

@mattyglesias: POTUS can order US citizens killed unilaterally needs 60 Senators to put a price on carbon emissions