New Investigation: Widespread Use of Bogus Science in Reproductive Health Policy

Here's a press release that I got in an email from my pal at RH Reality Check. Bolding is mine: New Investigation Finds Widespread Use of Bogus Science in Reproductive Health Policy (Washington, DC) A new investigation by RH Reality Check (RHRC) details the widespread use of discredited research and distorted data in the promotion of an anti-choice policy agenda. The investigation, titled “False Witnesses,” closely examines public records and published work of several groups and individuals, revealing that many of their scientific and medical claims have been publicly discredited – yet they continue to receive taxpayer dollars from state [...]

The Elephant in the Womb!

I am Woman.  And the GOP has it in for me.  Oh yes, they twist everything around and claim that the Democrats and the Obama administration are the ones waging war on the fairer sex, but we know better. We know who wants being a woman to continue to be classified as a "pre-existing condition and having given birth as one too... even having been raped!  (Yes, that's the party that sides with the for-profit health insurance industry (extortionists).  We know who voted against the Violence Against Women Act and even the Lilly Ledbetter Act that would require equal pay [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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