President Obama: Weigh in on #OWS and our Burgeoning Police State

When even Shepard Fairey, the creator of the 2008 Obama “Hope” poster weighs in to hold President Obama accountable, you know we're on to something.  This morning, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the U.S. is deeply concerned about the violence and is calling for restraint on all sides. He says despite the clashes between security forces and protesters, Egypt must proceed with a timely transition to democracy. However, searches for any White House comments on the spate of violence from police departments around the country on peaceful, non-violent protesters turned up not a single statement. It's time for [...]

By |November 22nd, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on President Obama: Weigh in on #OWS and our Burgeoning Police State

Arrested for…Dancing?!?!

I sent out an email yesterday with more details on my arrest last month.  Most of the responses were from people who understood what's at stake when you can be forcefully ejected from an event billed as a "Town Hall Meeting" with YOUR congressman for daring to ask a question or openly disagreeing with said congressman. I did get one response from someone who considers himself a "progressive independent" yet apparently doesn't believe in our rights of free speech: It sounds like you went there looking for a fight…and you got one. If you expected treatment of a different manner, [...]

By |May 31st, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Arrested for…Dancing?!?!

Talk About a Crazy News Day!

Listener Marc in Phoenix emailed today to tell me that Mercury is in retrograde. It actually started on 4/18 and will remain so until 5/11. Perhaps that explains the weird news that's taken over the airwaves today. I talked about some of these stories with Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress and Mic Check Radio, who joins me for the first segment of the show on most Wednesdays. Tonight, we talked about the craziness that is Nevada GOP Senatorial hopeful Sue Lowden and her claims that you can barter with your doctor or pay for medical treatment with [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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