MSNBC’s Phil Griffin: “I want to stay true to the brand’s progressive sensibility. But the world is changing…”

 "Top Chef's" Tom Colicchio will be more visible now. No, no, you silly geese, not on Bravo, on-- wait for it-- MSNBC... as its first "food correspondent." He'll be popping up all over the place. You can read all about it here in the Los Angeles Times. Here's a taste (Pun intended... bygones.): "I think the next step is getting a little deeper than food as entertainment and looking more at the social issues around food. How it's produced. The effect it has on the environment. When we started talking about hunger in America, most people we tell the numbers [...]

We the people need our own channel instead of being “terrorized by corporate cable news”

Couldn't have said it better myself: Here is a recent Los Angeles Times letter to the editor, because our voices matter: I will not let my jealousy of Rick Steves (for turning a passion for traveling into professional success) get in the way of congratulating him for his wonderful piece on the cable news-stoked fear gripping this country. The corporate media that create this fear damage our society in incalculable ways. ("Tune out cable news and turn away fear," Op-Ed, Nov. 4) As Steves says, their agenda is profit. But how could anyone not notice the ramping up of Islamic State [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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