Rick Perry Sucks

I was talking about his politics in the headline - but, as they say, one picture a worth a thousand words!  It sure looks like Rick has a bit of experience in this type of sucking  (and quite a technique too). But his politics are truly frightening.  Think Progress offers a couple of clips from his appearances in Iowa that should make you realize what he's all about. In this clip, it certainly sounds as if Gov. Perry is suggesting a violent response to Ben Bernanke's policies: And in this one, he's asking for anarchy by saying we should impose [...]

By |August 16th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Rick Perry Sucks

Health Care and Mormons and Hate Speak, Oh My!

**Podcast audio fixed.  Somehow, Tuesday's show was originally re-posted. Click on the player to hear the correct audio.  Sorry for the inconvenience!  NS** Today, I watched President Obama's final speech on Health Care Reform. And he said nothing. Nothing new, anyway. It was the same old shit. Same old pandering to the right. Same old sidestepping the public option -- the one fix that could get much of his former base back on board, but that, for reasons still completely obscured, he ignores. The same old Obama, trying to please everyone and, by doing that, pleasing no one... except the [...]

By |March 3rd, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Health Care and Mormons and Hate Speak, Oh My!

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