By Nicole Sandler|June 30th, 2017|Tags: ACA, AUMF, Mika Brzezinski, travel ban, Trump, Trumpcare, twitter|Comments Off on 6-30-17 What’s News? – The Sexist Tweeting Edition
6-29-17 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Not Dead Yet
The GOP is still planning on ramming its Trumpcare bill through the senate. The goal is to have a revision over to the CBO by tomorrow so that it's scored by the time they return from their July 4th week off, and vote on it in the three weeks before they head out for the month of August. Jacki Schechner, who worked for Health Care for America Now through the entire run-up to the ACA before doing the news with Stephanie Miller on Current TV, joined me today on the show to talk about the many reasons we must stop [...]
Talk About a Crazy News Day!
Listener Marc in Phoenix emailed today to tell me that Mercury is in retrograde. It actually started on 4/18 and will remain so until 5/11. Perhaps that explains the weird news that's taken over the airwaves today. I talked about some of these stories with Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress and Mic Check Radio, who joins me for the first segment of the show on most Wednesdays. Tonight, we talked about the craziness that is Nevada GOP Senatorial hopeful Sue Lowden and her claims that you can barter with your doctor or pay for medical treatment with [...]