7-10-15 Nicole Sandler Show – It’s Money That Matters

Nicole talks money in politics with a guy whose name is synonymous with it, Shaun McCutcheon (as in McCutcheon v FEC), plus more in the 2016 sweepstakes. For Flashback Friday, it's David Byrne from this week in 1994.

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The Shit Has Hit the Fan

And here we are.. a nation of lawyers, guns and money. The lawyers argue before the courts, who decide that money rules all. And mentally ill people with guns go on shooting rampages. Today on the show, we continued discussing the ramifications of the Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon vs FEC - with David Cobb, national spokesperson at Move to Amend  and David Gans of the Constitutional Accountability Center.  Move to Amend has been building a movement to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United (and now, too, McCutcheon) which would explicitly state that corporations are not people and [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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