How I Spent My Summer Vacation

OK, it wasn't a vacation, but I spent the last few days with members of the American Federation of Teachers. at their bi-annual convention here in Los Angeles. I had no idea the American Federation of Teachers represented so many of the people whose work is in helping others until I arrived on Friday. But I sat in the opening session, with the powerful Rev. Dr. William Barber (more about him in a moment) and the electric president of the AFT Randi Weingarten, and saw a huge contingent of nurses waving their flags. I learned that the AFT, whose numbers [...]

A Little Something for Ted Cruz

    So now we learn that the government shutdown that lasted 16 days will cost we the taxpayers around $24 billion.  I say we send Ted Cruz the bill! I don't know if the email address on the invoice is correct, but feel free to post it on his Facebook page, send it to him on Twitter, or email it to his office . So, after Cruz and his followers shut down the government, cost us $24 billion (so much for those fiscal conservatives), and put the good faith and credit of our nation at risk, these asshats got nothing. [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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