6-30-17 Nicole Sandler Show – How Far We’ve Fallen

In the last 24 hours alone, Donald Trump endorsed the repeal of ACA with no replacement, Kris Kobach’s voter suppression commission demands voter data from states (1 by 1 they’re saying no), the WSJ report says Michael Flynn may have been part of effort to get Clinton's deleted emails from Russian hackers,   Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezezinski say Trump used the National Enquirer to blackmail them, and the  House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment put forth by Barbara Lee to end the 2001 AUMF- now it goes on to full House & Senate. It's our last show before the 4th of [...]

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5-17-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Trust No One (Especially the Media)

Mid-way through reading David Dayen's book, "Chain of Title," Nicole Sandler is thrilled to welcome the journalist and author to the show to discuss the foreclosure fraud that scammed the nation (and continues today). Plus the media continues lying about the presidential race, and She's History's Amy Simon discusses sexism in today's political world and more.

Filling in for Thom Hartmann

I think I'm the happiest unemployed radio personality around.  I regularly get to guest host The Randi Rhodes Show.  And today I got to fill  in for Thom Hartmann! Seriously, next to having my own show again, nothing could be better. Thom is in the middle of a move to Washington DC, but late last night they realized that the new studio wouldn't be ready for today's show. So, I awoke this morning to an email asking if I was available.  Duh! So, after my show (and after pulling out an old interview with Ralph Nader to run during the [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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