11-6-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Our Four Year National Nightmare is Almost Over!

Download here or click below to play   Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States. None of the networks or major news organizations have called it yet. But at 8:50 ET this morning, Decision Desk HQ - where I get all my election return info from (and talked about it on the show just yesterday) did! Once the counting in Pennsylvania showed Biden had moved into the lead, it was just a few minutes later that they called it. Joe Biden will address the nation tonight in prime time. And Donald Trump is having a Twitter [...]

By |November 6th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-6-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Our Four Year National Nightmare is Almost Over!

VIDEO: Maya Wiley explains the standards for impeachment on #AMJoy

Maya Wiley is one of the calmest, clearest, most reasonable, rational legal-slash-political analysts on my Tee Vee Machine (not to mention a really nice person). In this video segment from MSNBC's "AM Joy," Maya calmly, clearly, reasonably, and rationally explains the standards for impeachment of a sitting president. And if Trump doesn't check off every box, then nobody does or ever will. Take it away Joy Ann Reid and Maya Wiley:

By |September 14th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on VIDEO: Maya Wiley explains the standards for impeachment on #AMJoy

GOP Alpha Dogs and Beta Cucks. So Seriously. #NotJoking.

  Applause to the hard-working left leaners over at Salon. And their comrades at Alternet. Headlines alone get an h/t with a flourish: The Alpha Dog that Wouldn’t Hunt: How Trump’s Ludicrous 'Alpha Male' Act Is Destroying Him sub: •  Trump's alt-right fanboys celebrate his so-called "alpha" masculinity -- but they're the real "cucks."   Matthew Rozsa of Salon has wisely held his mirth and thoroughly  covered the Belly Flop of a recent prat fall of The Dickish Donald ... in ways that should make you go Ick. Brendan Gauthier at Salon has also been feeling The antiTrump Vibe as volubly and magnificently. You see, [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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