4-21-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis, Earth Day & the News

  Tomorrow's Earth Day, and yesterday was 4/20. It's time to party! First, we celebrated the ouster of Bill O'Reilly with a call to Angelo Carusone. Angelo is currently the president of Media Matters, but when I first met him almost a decade ago, he was a law school student tweeting under the @StopBeck handle, letting advertisers know just who they were supporting. His efforts got Beck booted off of Fox so-called-news. He's since graduated law school and run a number of similar campaigns. This week's victory, letting Bill O'Reilly's advertisers know what they were up against, was a biggie. [...]

By |April 21st, 2017|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-21-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Cannabis, Earth Day & the News

Eve of Destruction

All hell is breaking loose in the Middle East once again.  To trace the hostilities back to the beginning, we'd have to go back thousands of years.  There is no right (as in correct) side here.  As for this current round of fighting, I don't know where it started.  But Ha'aretz, the biggest and oldest newspaper in Israel, is reporting that Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, founder of the Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, was working on a permanent truce agreement between Israel and Hamas.  He was working directly with Hamas leader Ahmed Jabari, to whom he had delivered [...]

By |November 15th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Eve of Destruction

Advertisers Rushing to the Door

The exodus of advertisers from Rush Limbaugh's show continues. As of the end of today's show, the total was 26 and counting... This morning I spoke with Angelo Carusone of Media Matters. We first met Angelo when he was tweeting as @StopBeck.  Today, he's back on twitter as @StopRush! We talked about the heinous blowhard that is Rush Limbaugh and why his sponsors are pulling out like a Catholic man who doesn't believe in birth control. You can check out more of what Angelo's doing over at Media Matters at DropFox! As she does every Tuesday morning, GottaLaff took some [...]

By |March 6th, 2012|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Advertisers Rushing to the Door

Drop Fox- Game On!

One of the biggest problems Democrats has faced during the past two years has been their lack of messaging skills. Making it more difficult is the mighty megaphone of the Republican party -- their propaganda arm that calls itself a News organization.  The fact is that "Fox News" is actually a fake news channel.  As they're a cable channel, they're not regulated by the FCC, and there are no consequences for Making Shit Up®. Unfortunately, the relatively small number of people who watch their fabricated facts® don't understand that their only source for "news" is most definitely NOT NEWS. Enter [...]

By |December 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Drop Fox- Game On!

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