As detailed in my last post, the House voted yesterday to pass the Satan Sandwich (aka the debt ceiling bill). We already knew the Tea Partiers were ignorant fools. Now they’re also proven hypocrites, as 59 GOP freshmen voted for the bill (2/3 of the rookie class) with only 28 voting against.
Based on Michele Bachmann’s official list of members of her Tea Party Caucus, 32 of them declared their hypocrisy and voted for the deal! (Should you care to see the list, scroll down to the bottom of the post.)
I must point out that my sorry excuse for a representative – the alleged Tea Party darling – Allen West voted FOR it. I hope his minions ride him out of town on a rail.
Today, the Senate votes. But all accounts say this ransom will be easily paid by at least 60 members. Manufactured crisis averted, but at what cost?
Arthur Delaney of Huffington Post points out that the unemployed were ignored in this deal. The cynic in me asks “what else is new?” But the compassionate human being that I am is truly disgusted. Perhaps if all of the long-term unemployed in this country decided to pitch tents and start an Obamaville in Washington DC they might take notice that these people are not invisible!
While I have Arthur on the line talking about that, we’ll also discuss another story he’s been covering: that of the Pre-Existing Insurance Plan, in which he asks if you’d go without insurance for six months to qualify for affordable coverage? Talk about a big gamble – on your life!
I’m trying to find the good in this Satan Sandwich debt ceiling bill. I listened to my dear friend Randi Rhodes who thinks President Obama won this fight, but she still didn’t convince me. The best I could come up with were some journalists whom I respect pointing out that it’s not as bad as it could have been.
Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly did a bit of a round-up of the not-so-bad points in “The Contrarian Defense“. He’ll join me this morning as well to go over the good, the bad and the ugly in this bill.
It’s Tuesday! That means GottaLaff of The Political Carnival will be with me in hour two of the show to talk about these stories and more..
VIDEO ADDED: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver: I’d vote for debt deal, “punch myself in stomach, then throw up.”
VIDEO- GOP Rep. Doug Lamborn: “I don’t even want to have to be associated with
[Obama], it’s like touching a tar baby…”Most of Newt Gingrich’s Twitter Followers Are Fake
Business group cancels Rep. Allen West appearance after pressure from gay activists
Americans for Prosperity is sending absentee ballots to WI Democrats with late return date
If you hate taxes, here are 102 things NOT to do
Quick ones: PhotOh! Your “librul media” at work
PhotOh! BREAKING NEWS! Fox has a special on TV tonight! Zomg!
Tea Party Cancels “Lame” Rally After Getting Only Three Positive Responses
There are a couple of other things I have to mention — Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords return to the floor of the House to cast her vote was truly a wonderful moment!
And if you only watch one video today, you should make it Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment from last night:
**Now for that list of Teabaggers who voted FOR the debt ceiling bill:
Sandy Adams (FL-24)
Robert Aderholt (AL-04)
Rodney Alexander (LA-05)
Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06)
Joe Barton (TX-06)
Gus Bilirakis (FL-09)
Diane Black (TN-06)
Michael Burgess (TX-26)
John Carter (TX-31)
Bill Cassidy (LA-06)
Howard Coble (NC-06)
Mike Coffman (CO-06)
Ander Crenshaw (FL-04)
John Culberson (TX-07)
Blake Farenthold (TX-27)
Stephen Lee Fincher (TN-08)
Wally Herger (CA-02)
Lynn Jenkins (KS-02)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09)
Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
David McKinley (WV-01)
Gary Miller (CA-42)
Rich Nugent (FL-05)
Steven Palazzo (MS-04)
Mike Pence (IN-06)
Tom Price (GA-06)
David Roe (TN-01)
Edward Royce (CA-40)
Pete Sessions (TX-32)
Lamar Smith (TX-21)
Tim Walberg (MI-07)
Allen West (FL-22)
Go get ’em!