“Last Blog Standing” starts riiight….now!
Yes, it’s time to steal a few more jokes from my father-in-law (F.I.L.). His blog posts range from political comedy to humorous commentary on pop culture.
For those of you who might be new here, he used to write for Alan King, Milton Berle and Jonathan Winters, just to name a few. And all those Dean Martin Roasts, too: Don Rickles, Red Buttons, Phyllis Diller, Sammy Davis, Jr., etc.
A tiny respite from all the frustrating events of the day:
It’s Autumn in Washington D.C. and at the White House squirrels are rounding up nuts on the front lawn, which is more than the Secret Service is doing.
After a string of high profile security gaffs, JULIA PIERSON, the Director of the Secret Service, resigned. She soon learned how badly the agency performed when she was escorted out of the White House and found how easy it was for her to get back in.
She once worked at Disney World but said she preferred working at the White House. People didn’t have to wait in line to get in.
MS. PIERSON said she’ll miss being in the White House, but the PRESIDENT told her she could come back any time she wants. “Our door is always open.”
What a week it was. DEREK JETER and GEORGE CLOONEY both stopped being players.
CLOONEY and his bride got married in Italy last Saturday. The wedding was so beautiful it already has been nominated for six Oscars.
Getting married in Italy, where the Vatican is, was kind of prophetic. As men all over the world know, being a husband is much like being the POPE. Great responsibilities, important decisions to make, and a lot of sleeping alone.
Olympic gold medalist MICHAEL PHELPS was arrested last week for drunk driving. Realizing they were following the world’s fastest swimmer, the highway patrol backed off and he was finally pulled over by the Coast Guard.
MICHAEL then aggravated the situation when they tried to give him a breathalyzer test and he held his breath for six minutes.
Congratulations to CHELSEA CLINTON who gave birth to a daughter named CHARLOTTE. Grandma HILLARY has already taught the little darling her first word: “Iowa.”
The husband of one of the “Real Housewives of New Jersey” has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. He says he’s disappointed in the judge’s decision, but 41 months away from his wife is better than nothing.
Jews all over the world celebrated the Jewish New Year, 5775. According to the Chinese calendar the year is 4775, and how Jewish people got along without Chinese food for a thousand years I’ll never know.
It’s Autumn in Washington D.C. and at the White House squirrels are rounding up nuts on the front lawn, which is more than the Secret Service is doing.
Now That is FUNNY
And it happens to be the very joke I used to promo the post yesterday. You have splendid taste