My Mother and My Daughter - both with May 3 birthdays!
Some of my favorite people in the world were born on this day. My mom, who died a week shy of my 20th birthday, is right up there along with my daughter who turns the big 1-3 today.
My two closest friends also share in this special day – as Eva’s daughter Molly is 11 today, and my other close friend from childhood, Jaime, was also born on May 3. So there’s got to be something pretty awesome about the third day in May, huh?
A quickie on today’s show, as I have a birthday party to put together….
We continued the coverage that the corporate media didn’t provide on the May Day actions around the world… I hope to get Allison Kilkenny on the show again one of these days- but in her absence today, I shared her wonderful article for The Nation, “Tens of Thousands March in Oakland, New York for May Day.” And, though I haven’t heard the episode yet, I hear that today’s Citizen Radio is pretty awesome too…
My guests today were Sandi Behrns of the Cassandra Files, and comedian/podcaster Matt Filipowicz.