Humanitarian Crisis Here At Home!

So the war mongers are saying we need to engage militarily in Libya because of the humanitarian crisis that’s underway. Really? What about the humanitarian crises of a similar nature in Bahrain, Yemen and Sudan? (Answer: those countries don’t have oil we want.) And how about the humanitarian crisis here at home? People are dying from neglect.Probably because we don’t have they oil they want either. The people elected to positions of power, who each take an oath to protect (among other things) the domestic tranquility are surely shirking their responsibilities on that one. As I was suffering with a [...]

Finally The Tables Are Starting to Turn

Yes, I'm still quoting Tracy Chapman.  It's only been 23 years since she wrote "Talkin Bout a Revolution," and finally, the tables are starting to turn. "Poor people gonna rise up and get their share".. I hope that happens. But the first steps have been taken. This weekend, people in every state in the nation took to the streets to say Enough!  Unfortunately, if you watched national or cable news, you didn't see much about it. Scroll down to the next blog post for my video from the USUncut protest at a Bank of America branch in Boca Raton, FL.  [...]

By |February 28th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Finally The Tables Are Starting to Turn

99ers are People Too

When we refer to the growing group of people who've exhausted their unemployment benefits as 99ers, it makes it all too easy to remember that they are actual human beings rather than just statistics. I started the website after speaking with a few of those actual people while guest-hosting The Randi Rhodes Show over the holidays.  One of the first to post when I started the site was Bud Myers, an unemployed casino bartender in Las Vegas. Here's what he posted originally: I'm a 55 year old male and have worked since I was 14 – but I was [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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