I’m Moving to Canada. Part Two: How?

Photo credit: @Alamy So many of you have asked such good questions about our move that I felt compelled to untangle everything I could for you. In Part One of this two-parter, I explained why we made the life-changing decision to become permanent residents of Canada. In this post, I'll do my best to explain how we went about it, what it takes, and try to provide more answers to your questions. I'll be going into painstaking detail, because my challenges may help you figure out solutions to yours. Keep in mind, though, that every situation is different. [...]

By |December 24th, 2021|Tags: , |Comments Off on I’m Moving to Canada. Part Two: How?

I’m Moving to Canada. Part One: Why?

Port Moody, British Columbia When George W. Bush frauded his way into the White House, I cried for two days. My twins watched me, and they didn't understand why. I tried to explain to them why I was sad. Little did I know that my worst fears about a Bush presidency would be realized, and then some. When Donald Trump duped 62,984,828 Americans into voting for him-- 2,868,686 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton got-- and somehow became the *shudder* President of the United States, I cried for two weeks straight. This time I knew what was coming. [...]

By |December 23rd, 2021|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on I’m Moving to Canada. Part One: Why?

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