What Is In the NDAA That You Should Worry About!

I've spent the last two days digging deep into this story.  Yesterday on the Randi Rhodes Show, I interviewed Congressman Raul Grijalva and Congressman Keith Ellison, both of whom expressed concern over the provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act that allow for indefinite detention of anyone suspected of being a terrorist .. or even a terrorist sympathizer.  That applies to both citizens and non-citizens. I also spoke with Politico's Josh Gerstein who had posted "On National Defense Authorization Act, Obama Pulls Veto Threat" while the show was in progress. On the House floor Wednesday afternoon, lawmakers disputed the impact [...]

By |December 15th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Is In the NDAA That You Should Worry About!

Saving Democracy (or Bernie Sanders is My Hero!)

Here I am in Washington DC with a free day!  Yes, there was a march from the mall up to the Capitol and a group of people went in to try to see John Boehner (his office called the police and the citizens were told to leave or they'd be arrested). As I was standing at the labor rally calling for good jobs in the shadow of the Capitol, an email arrived from Senator Bernie Sanders' office alerting me that he had introduced the first constitutional amendment in his entire congressional career.  It's called The Saving American Democracy Amendment, and [...]

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