11-8-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Democratic Unity with Richard “RJ” Eskow

After an update on the day's news, we welcome the host/managing editor of The Zero Hour, Richard "RJ" Eskow, to the show to talk about the future of the Democratic Party in the wake of yesterday's big wins and all the infighting. Richard is also a senior fellow at the Campaign for America's Future and writes at ourfuture.org.  We discussed his article, "Donna Brazile, the DNC, and Democratizing the Democrats."

By |November 8th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-8-17 Nicole Sandler Show – Democratic Unity with Richard “RJ” Eskow

Pricque of the Week: Chris Christie

Image, NY Daily News memes.   As a liberal in need of a hearty belly laugh a week out from the Mythical Midterms of 2014, you'll need to look no further than the sturdy egotistical blowhard General of New Jersey. In a span of mere days, Chris Christie has been publicly spanked by a heroic R.N. from Northern Maine, the appalled Obama Administration, fellow con Governor from Wisconsin Scott Walker and Mr. Matthew Drudge himself. Rare honors. When Scott Walker declared this week that he'd rather have had a hefty bundle of campaign cash instead of a hefty [...]

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