Image, NY Daily News memes.

Image, NY Daily News memes.


As a liberal in need of a hearty belly laugh a week out from the Mythical Midterms of 2014, you’ll need to look no further than the sturdy egotistical blowhard General of New Jersey.

In a span of mere days, Chris Christie has been publicly spanked by a heroic R.N. from Northern Maine, the appalled Obama Administration, fellow con Governor from Wisconsin Scott Walker and Mr. Matthew Drudge himself.

Rare honors.

When Scott Walker declared this week that he’d rather have had a hefty bundle of campaign cash instead of a hefty visit from the politically tainted and brash Chris Christie, it was a progressive ‘leg thrill’ we can relish.

Image, Politiscoop dot com.

Image, Politiscoop dot com.

The pictures out of Wisconsin with incumbent idiot Walker trying to hide a chastened Christie, presently heading the Republican Governors Association, are both wicked hilarious and bald proof of the fatal schisms the GOP brought upon itself.

The next incriminating pics Christie must be furious about feature a sparse tent pitched — at his paranoid order — in a Jersey hospital parking lot. Taking Sean Hannity and Fvx Nation to heart, the big guy in Trenton used an abundance of panic to imprison Kaci Hickox, the heroine of a nurse who just returned from volunteering in the war on Ebola in West Africa. Bam(!) she was sentenced to being a Bubble Girl detainee in Newark.

Image, NY Daily News.

Image, NY Daily News.

Happily for the involuntarily quarantined R.N., the Obama administration leaned in strongly … in a somewhat rare (for the taste of many progressives) strong action in favor of human rights. This morning Ms. Hickox is en route home to Maine, where hopefully Right Wing Governor Loco LePage will not greet her with a plastic tent.

Quite the noteworthy smack down on Republican’t hysteria and fear-mongering. A furious Christie (the dude is curiously pissed off 24/7, whether it’s anger or hunger his handlers should address the surliness) was left with an empty Bubble for Baddies and a steaming new load of public approbation.

Grinning yet?

The most savory pounding might have been being on the business end of a Drudge Bash. Also relying on a photograph to speak volumes, The Drudge himself posted a shot of a more robust Christie arm in arm wih Satan (President Obama post Sandy Disaster).

It actually marked the return to Twitter of Judge Drudge, which is delicious in and of itself, as was the quip ‘Superstorm Christie blows again’. Isn’t it special when they go cannibal?

There’s your (near Biblical) sign, if you still harbored fanciful 2016 Big Dance illusions about old Christopher. Already suspect to the Lipton Brigade, he cannot have appreciated that mammoth rotten Jersey tomato to the gubernatorial kisser.

This particular Pricque of the Week is perfect motivation to GOTV and get yourself and others to the polls one week from today!