Medicare, the ACA & Open Enrollment with Wendell Potter on the Nicole Sandler Show – 10-22-24

    It's that time of year again... open enrollment for Medicare and just a week away for the ACA. With your life on the line, it's important to know your options. So I'm thrilled that the health insurance industry whistleblower Wendell Potter returns to the show today to answer your questions and give you actual facts. You should also be reading Wendell Potter's "Healthcare Un-Covered" newsletter by subscribing to!    

Health Insurance Hero Whistleblower Wendell Potter on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-25-24

   Yesterday, the HEALTH CARE un-covered Newsletter arrived in my inbox, sporting the headline "Fifteen Years Ago Today I Became a Whistleblower". It was from Wendell Potter who remains a hero to all of us in the US, whether you know it or not. I was fortunate to first interview Wendell on Air America Radio in August of 2009, just two months after he testified before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, pulling back the curtain from around the industry for which he carried water and covered up unethical practices. A few months later, he would testify before [...]

By |June 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Health Insurance Hero Whistleblower Wendell Potter on the Nicole Sandler Show – 6-25-24

9-25-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #6 – Wendell Potter on (Not) Medicare DISAdvantage

View on Zencastr It’s the end of September, so pretty soon we’ll all be inundated with ads for Medicare Advantage, as Medicare open enrollment begins on Oct 15, thru Dec 7…. Then open enrollment for the ACA begins on Nov 1… To make sure you’re informed about what’s available and to tell you the truth about so-called Medicare Advantage (neither Medicare nor an advantage), we’ll go back to Oct 15 of 2021 and an information packed conversation with health insurance industry whistleblower Wendell Potter….

By |September 25th, 2023|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 9-25-23 Nicole’s Moving Shows #6 – Wendell Potter on (Not) Medicare DISAdvantage

2-6-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wendell Potter, Prior Authorizations and Govt Sanctioned Extortion Click the player above to play, right click the download button below to download the episode, scroll down for the video version The "Government-sanctioned extortion" line is mine... it's what I call the for-profit health insurance industry. Think about it. You have to pay them in order to get the prices they've negotiated for medical care of every stripe. If you don't have insurance, you're charged the "list price," but if you pay your monthly extortion to cabal, then the cost for services is what those two entities negotiated. The bottom line is you'll pay, one way or the [...]

By |February 6th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2-6-23 Nicole Sandler Show – Wendell Potter, Prior Authorizations and Govt Sanctioned Extortion

10-17-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Medicare DISadvantage and more with Wendell Potter

Download here or click below to play It's open enrollment time for Medicare again, and no doubt you're already sick of those damned TV ads for Medicare's so-called Advantage plans. Make no mistake, there's no advantage to these plans, unless you stay completely healthy. Once you get sick, the DISadvantage becomes more than apparent. Unfortunately, as we get older, we have more health challenges. But instead of making things easier on seniors, a new provision has gone into effect that allows these companies to put you into these (dis)advantage plans without even telling you they're doing it! Since open [...]

By |October 17th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 10-17-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Medicare DISadvantage and more with Wendell Potter

12-6-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Everything You Need to Know about Medicare, Advantange & More

Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)   Tomorrow is the end of open enrollment for Medicare. The means that before midnight Tuesday night, Dec 7, you can change what type of Medicare plan you're enrolled in. I already knew and was warning my listeners about the realities surrounding Medicare Advantage, and we'll get into that again today. But then I read this article   about the government's newest scam to privatize Medicare and turn it over to big moneyed interests. This new "experiment" was launched in the final months [...]

By |December 6th, 2021|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 12-6-21 Nicole Sandler Show – Everything You Need to Know about Medicare, Advantange & More

11-1-19 Nicole Sandler Show- ACA, Medicare for All and More with Wendell Potter

Today is Nov 1, opening day of open enrollment for insurance under the ACA or Obamacare. (Yes, despite Trump's best efforts, Obamacare is still alive and well, and opens today for business.) And Elizabeth Warren released her plan to pay for Medicare for All. Lucky for us, my guest today is Wendell Potter, the whistleblower who exposed the for-profit health insurance industry for the scammers and crooks they are. Today, in addition to discussing our health insurance options today including the choice between Medicare as it stands today and Medicare Advantage, Wendell also weighs in on Warren's and Bernie Sanders' [...]

By |November 1st, 2019|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 11-1-19 Nicole Sandler Show- ACA, Medicare for All and More with Wendell Potter

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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