11-16-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Weed Wins, and Driftglass Too

The Democrats had big wins in the midterm elections. Today, Nicole Sandler speaks with Mason Tvert of the Marijuana Policy Project to see how cannabis fared. Then we head to the midwest to chat with progressive blogger and podcaster Driftglass...

By |November 16th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-16-18 Nicole Sandler Show – Weed Wins, and Driftglass Too

8-12-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Politics, Pot and Publix

  I'm back. For now... Since I've been out for the past few Thursdays, we've been missing Harvey J. Kaye. So he joined me today for a quick visit. In hour two, Marijuana Policy Project's Director of Federal Policies, Robert Capecchi, told us about the DEA's decision to keep marijuana as a schedule 1 substance. The Silver Tour's Robert Platshorn joined in to tell us about tomorrow's one day picket of Publix, whose founder's heir donated $800 million to the campaign to defeat Amendment 2, the medical marijuana amendment on the ballot Nov 8. If you're in South Florida, come [...]

By |August 12th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 8-12-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Politics, Pot and Publix

ENDA the Hypocrisy, please

Today the Senate will pass the Employment Non Discrimination Act.  It's about time that people can no longer be fired because of their sexuality or sexual identity. The forces fighting to keep workplace discrimination legal seem to be doing so in the name of "religious liberty" - and even more damning is that the religion they're "protecting" is Christianity. Whoa! Does anyone else see the massive disconnect and overwhelming hypocrisy here? As a person of Jewish heritage who long ago used logic to rid herself of any organized religious beliefs, I do believe in the "golden rule".  I'll admit I'm [...]

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