AmeriKKKan Travesty

Nicole discusses the decision handed down last night by the Ferguson Grand Jury of no indictment for the cop who killed Mike Brown. She checks in with journalists and activists who've been in Ferguson covering the protests, including The Nation's Mychal Denzel Smith, rapper Jasiri X and WeActRadio's Peter Callahan. Plus Amy Simon and @GottaLaff join in during hour two for another gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses

Killing in America

Who can forget that image? That's the gunman, whose name I don't care to remember, who gunned down 33 people in cold blood. He was mentally unstable, and he was able to buy a gun and ammunition. In Texas, in 2007, shortly after the Stand Your Ground or Kill at Will bill was passed, a shotgun-armed man decided to shoot and kill two men who broke into his neighbor's house, even though the cop on the 911 call with him told him, explicitly, not to.  Hear it for yourself: Quite chilling. You can hear the guy firing the shotgun that [...]

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