“Unlimited funds to enrich defense contractors, Wall St., but not for investment in the people?”

Today's Los Angeles Times letters to the editor, because our voices matter: We spend billions on tools of war, benefiting a few, but we eschew spending for human purposes, never giving consideration to a democracy's responsibility to invest in its people to help share economic well-being and vote with a country-nurturing insight. Must funds always be unlimited for those things that enrich defense contractors or help Wall Street speculation but not for investment in the people? Jim Hoover, Huntington Beach

LGBT Miracle: The Lady Judges finally said ‘Hell to the No’

Unfurl your 'dress' rainbow and equality flags to wave high and wave proud - and let the euphoric, historic and speedy change wash over your progressive soul … and savor every hard-won human and civil rights moment. SCROTUS may have just made some equality reparations. Suh-weet! The United Stats of America just witnessed decades, centuries of LGBT oppression, sexuality and gender discrimination, and the lucrative political pay to play. Wisconsin and Utah are particularly satisfying, right? Was truly startled to hear Scott Walker throw in the gym towel … "We're done." From Talking Points Memo: "For us, it's over in [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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