Wednesday Women!

Today on my show, I welcomed Sally Kohn, the liberal who often appears on Fox to challenge their craziness.  Her piece, "I was An Obamacare Guinea Pig" is making right wing heads explode.  She'll also join me on Randi's show this afternoon. Susie Madrak of Crooks and Liars joined in to talk about how the Republicans can dish our the slams but can't take them.  Her example was their anger at Congressman Alan Grayson for calling the teabaggers out as less popular than the Klan! I also exposed the GOP as a bunch of pathological liars... I'll continue that discussion later [...]

Today on the Randi Rhodes Show!

Yes, I'm filling in for Randi again today, and we have a great show lined up for you... Although the South Florida Sun Sentinel continues to mis-characterize what I was doing at an event put on by my congressman and advertised as a town hall meeting...  I went to ask my congressman a question, and to have him hear what I had to say.  Isn't that what town hall meetings are for? Anyway, in today's paper, the headline reads "Protester arrested at Congressman Allen West's town hall meeting won't be prosecuted".  I wasn't there as a "protester," I wasn't a "heckler" [...]

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