
It's finally here. Regardless of how the day ends, one thing is good... no more of those horrendous political ads, for a while anyway. My predictions?  I'll stay optimistic and say that the Dems will retain control of both houses of Congress, though just barely.   The one good thing that will come of today is that many of the Blue Dogs & ConservaDems (Blanche Lincoln, Bobby Bright and others of your ilk, yes, I'm talking to you) will be purged from our government.  The Democratic caucus will be smaller, but more progressive.  And that's a good thing. But it'll take [...]

When Politics Turns Ugly

That's what it looks like. Lauren Valle was trying to present Rand Paul with the "Republicorp Employee of the Month Award" as he was getting out of his car last night to enter the studios of Kentucky Education Television for the debate with Jack Conway.  Rand Paul's thugs tackled her and stomped on her shoulders and head.  See the video for yourself... What's even uglier are some of the comments on this right wing blog, who defend the violence! A quick shout out to KagroX, who this morning tweeted "Freedom of Speech for Juan Williams. Oh, hold on, I have [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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