Royal Baby-Free Zone

I love babies.  But I don't get the American obsession with the newest member of the luckiest sperm club in the world.  So, the title of this post is the only mention you'll get here concerning the baby born yesterday in London.  I don't think royalty has any place in our 21st century reality. Today on the show, I paid tribute to the late Helen Thomas by re-broadcasting the two interviews I was fortunate enough to have conducted with her - both from my days at Air America Radio. The first one was originally aired on October 7, 2009. It [...]

Truth vs Reality

    If there is any difference between one's truth and one's reality, I tried to explore it this morning.  This was to be a pretty big show.  Michelle Shocked agreed to come on with me to clarify the statements she made from the stage Sunday night at Yoshi's in San Franciso.  From her music and what I've seen in this woman whom I've interviewed a few times over the years, I believed her to be a compassionate, caring, far-from-bigoted person that was being reported by disgusted concert goers Sunday night. So, I wanted to give her the benefit of [...]

How To Listen to The Show

The Nicole Sandler Show broadcasts live Monday through Thursday mornings from 10-noon Eastern/ 7-9 Pacific.  All shows are available as audio and video archives, and via podcast.  The show is always free, though donations and subscriptions are certainly welcomed and truly appreciated!  Listening to the show is as easy as clicking!  We have four live streams of the show - two audio and two video. We stream live video via ustream and YouTube.  Be forewarned,  ustream inserts ads at random times throughout the show - over which I have no control!  If you're one of those people who enjoys seeing [...]

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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