1-15-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Post Apocalyptic Friday

Nicole Sandler wraps up a big week with a discussion of last night's GOP debate and the rest of the news. Julianna Forlano adds the humor to the otherwise depressing news. And for Flashback Fri, Nicole takes us back to 15 years ago tomorrow for her interview with David Gray, and then to March of 01 for a wonderful performance by Jeb Loy Nichols.

By |January 15th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-15-16 Nicole Sandler Show – Post Apocalyptic Friday

1-8-16 Quick Morning News

   Victoria Jones created and edits Quick Morning News. She is chief White House correspondent with Washington DC-based Talk Media News, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally. Belgian prosecutors believe they may have found the place where Paris attacks ringleader hid in Brussels after attacks (BBC)  Quick NewsObama grilled on guns on CNNTrump tries VermontCruz & McCain: Birther biznessMaine guv's "racist rants?"Starving Syrian town: Relief in sight?New food guidelines: Big meat wins Obama Grilled on Guns on CNN (CNN, Reuters, Hill, NYT, NYT, me)• President Obama fielded tough questions from [...]

By |January 8th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-8-16 Quick Morning News

1-6-16 Quick Morning News

 Victoria Jones created and edits Quick Morning News. She is chief White House correspondent with Washington DC-based Talk Media News, where her insight and analysis are made available to over 400 news talk radio stations around the country and internationally.  Quick NewsNorth Korea claim: First H-bomb testTearful Obama calls for new gun actionsGOP attacks Obama for gun actionsMid East tensions: Kerry reaches outTrump goes birther on CruzSanders on banks: "Greed is not good"Armed group in Oregon: Land to locals North Korea Claim: First H-Bomb Test (Reuters, NYT, AP, FT, me)• North Korea declared on Tuesday that it had detonated its first hydrogen bomb, [...]

By |January 6th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 1-6-16 Quick Morning News

Wearing a Uniform Makes You a Soldier, Not a Hero

Listen to this episode: {play}http://traffic.libsyn.com/radioornot/20120529_Nicole_Sandler_Show.mp3 {/play} Podcast: Play in new window   That guy looks like a hero.  He's risking his life to save another.  Many Americans who don the uniform are also heroes, but many are not.  And not all who are killed in the line of duty deserve the description of hero. he·ro/ˈhi(ə)rō/   Noun: A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities. The chief male character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities. I watch Up With Chris Hayes Sunday morning, as is my usual routine. [...]

By |May 29th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Wearing a Uniform Makes You a Soldier, Not a Hero

Opposite World

There's a fairly large portion of the population who believe things that make absolutely no sense in the real world. They buy the bullshit from the hucksters and con-men and opportunists and religious zealots who tell them that health care as a basic human right is a bad thing, and that cutting taxes for the richest of the rich - while increasing the burden on the working class and the unemployed - is the right thing to do. It's Opposite World. Where up is down, bad is good, and things that are just plain wrong are right! It's populated by [...]

By |April 8th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Opposite World

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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