It’s a Two-Fer Tuesday!

Yes, another busy day here in the Radio or Not studios.  I'll host my regular show today, at the regular 10-noon ET time, and then change gears to guest host the Randi Rhodes Show this afternoon (3-6pm ET), as she's been caught up in the ice storm that's paralyzing the northeast again today.  Nice winter, huh? There's plenty to talk about, including Sarah Palin's pity party on Faux News last night, and the ramp up to the GOP vote to repeal health care, and much more... And when it's Tuesday, we hang with GottaLaff of The Political Carnival for a [...]

By |January 18th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on It’s a Two-Fer Tuesday!

Rewriting History

The President spoke last night from his newly refurnished Oval Office, declaring that combat operations have ended in Iraq.  Didn't we hear that somewhere before? OK, he didn't say "Mission Accomplished"  but he did say that combat operation in Iraq had ended. He also praised the guy that got us into that bloody mess in the first place. Seriously?! Tonight on the show, we'll listen to some of President Obama's speech, and dissect it with Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor at Truthout and editor-at-large at The Public Record.  We'll do that in hour two of the show. We'll kick things [...]

By |September 1st, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Rewriting History

Underwater & Unemployed, and Laffy too!

It's a busy Tuesday at Radio or Not. Today is the first Tuesday of our regular Gotta Laff segment.  Sure, we'll share some laughs, but Gotta Laff (aka Laffy) joins the show every Tuesday for a look at some of the best stuff she's shared on her amazing blog, The Political Carnival, over the past week.  Of course that means she and I will share our thoughts and opinions on everything happening in the news.  You're welcome to chime in too -- either in the Ustream chat room or by phone at 800-795-1159.  That's in hour two (7pm ET). We'll [...]

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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