Today is the last BIG primary day of the election season… voters will go to the polls in NY, Delaware, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland and Washington DC… I hope.
I don’t get why Americans are so apathetic. Sure, we like to complain about how bad things are. But that’s about as far as most of us will go.
I attended a couple of events over the last two evenings. David Cobb is on a speaking tour of Florida for Move To Amend. I’m being generous when I say there were maybe 50 people at each one. (I live streamed last night’s meeting… Please click on the video tab at the top of the page to see it. I’ll post it separately after today’s show)
Our progressive activist predecessors fought hard to end slavery, give women the right to vote, enact civil liberties, bring us Social Security and Medicare… and the list goes on. We need to continue the tradition, yet we seem to be ceding the righteous indignation banner to the tea baggers.
So, come on, if you’re in a primary state today, get off your ass and vote. If I’m preaching to the choir here, make some calls and offer rides to the polls. We need to be the change we want to see.
On today’s show, we’ll look at some of today’s races with Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny and the Blue America PAC, and examine the latest in the political games in Florida with Joy-Ann Reid of The Reid Report.
At the top of the second hour, we’ll get a news report from Victoria Jones at the Talk Radio News Service.
And we’ll have our regular segment with Gotta Laff of The Political Carnival… dishing about the news. I hope you’ll join in… Call in at 800-795-1159!